How to Win at Sex After a Breakup
What are the dos and don’ts of having sex after a tough breakup? When should you try it, and how can it help you get over your ex? Recovery is different for every person, but there are some universal truths and useful pieces of breakup advice that will help you move forward. Here’s how to win at sex after a breakup!
Breakups Are Always Messy
Let’s start with a reality check and tell you that every breakup is tough! All breakups can be confusing and unpleasant, regardless of the depth or length of your relationship. The best way to move forward is to accept that. For many, breakups can cause strong feelings of rejection, inadequacy, mistrust, and depression. Unfortunately, many people bury their feelings after breakups and completely ignore the “wallowing” phase.
If you want to have sex after your breakup, you should try some much-needed self-care first. During the …
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